Murder and rape were both down 26%, robbery was down 18%, and aggravated assault fell by 13% in the first quarter. Overall violent crime was down 15%, reflecting drops in every region, from 10% in the West to 19% in the Midwest, according to the FBI data released Monday. Prope...
surveys, andethnographic studies. Administrative data are often referred to as the ‘official’ statistics as they are drawn most often from the records kept by state institutions. The firstofficial statisticswere published in France in 1827 (Coleman and Moynihan1996). Self-report surveys are the o...
How Safe Is France for Travel? Warnings & Dangers in France OVERALL RISK: MEDIUM France is very safe to travel to. There is the heightened risk of pickpockets and scammers, though, and you should remain vigilant for any suspicious activities since this country has been targeted by terrorists...
represented by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy and the contemporary global Jewish civilization that called for the decadence and creative chaos represented by the Jews, Israel and the United States, France and the United Kingdom in particular, and with the terrible defeat Christian civilization ...
Indeed, migrant labour both brought in remittances that supplemented communities’ resources, as well as temporarily relieved impoverished households of the burden of feeding these workers. I show that while temperature shocks were strongly associated with an increase in property crime rates, the effect...
Response Rates Averaged across collection modalities, the cooperation rate was 60%, and the response rate was 40.4%. These are good rates by current survey research standards23-25 given the steady declines in response rates that have occurred during the past 3 decades26 and the particular marked...
More Americans think the rates of various types of crime have gotten worse, rather than better, in the past six months – both in their community and in the U.S. as a whole. This is particularly true for vandalism and theft: 50% say this has gotten worse in their community, while jus...
4 La Nuit FrancaiseAgain on the 2 nd T hursday of the month LaNuit Francaise will be held at Le Rendezvous .T he monthly event is an opportunity for alI French people and everyone interested in France of speaking French to gather together .The evening features three glasses of wine and...
Affirmation rates came in at 94.55% on the second day of T+1 in the US, which also happened to be the double settlement day, whereby trades from prior to the switch were also settling on T+2. The rate increased from 92.76% on the fir...
6 According to the CPI, for instance many Asian countries reveal even higher rates than are shown by our results. Kai D. Bussmann, Markus Werle, 'Addressing Crime in Companies', British Journal of Criminology, October 2006, p.1128ff. The 4th biennial global economic crime survey Section ...