In the case of sexual offenders, sexual offenders per capita are estimated using the per capita rate in the zip code of the school attended; all other crime statistics are estimated by the crimes per capita in the police department jurisdiction covering the school attended. After controlling for...
![aggregate data sample][la_data] [la_data]:img/la_data_agg.png The problem is the minor crimes like theft have much higher statistics than the series crime like homocide. So the min-max normalization has been applied before the data running into the model, which transforms all data into...
Public Safety Time Series by Site, Quarter Hexagon Level Data eTable 5. Descriptive Statistics by Sample Selection, Hexagon Monthly Level Data eTable 6. Association Between Opening an Overdose Prevention Center and Public Safety, High Crime Comparison Sample eTable 7. Association Between Opening an ...
Between 1990 (when the FATF AML regulations began to come into force) and 2021, the number of illegal drug users around the world increased by 60%and the number of deaths attributed to drug use more than doubled.According to a 2023 report by the UK’s National Crime Agency: ‘From Janua...
gs.sort_values(by='Perc',ascending=False,ignore_index=True,inplace=True) Now we can apply the binomial test to each doctor, then adjust for false discovery rate. # Calculating binom test def bt(x): k,n = x.iloc[0],x.iloc[1] ...
In the case of sexual offenders, sexual offenders per capita are estimated using the per capita rate in the zip code of the school attended; all other crime statistics are estimated by the crimes per capita in the police department jurisdiction covering the school attended. After controlling for...