Pollution Index by Country 2025 Property Prices Index by Country 2025 Traffic Index by Country 2025 This page in other languages: DeutschKriminalitäts-Index nach Land 2025 PortuguêsIndicador de Crime por País 2025 ItalianoIndice della Criminalità per Nazione 2025 FrançaisIndice de Criminal...
Similar to the case of the United States and NCVS data (Fig.4.1), the Swedish Crime Survey (NTU) shows that residents of smaller towns and rural municipalities appear to experience lower levels of victimization of crimes such as assault and burglary, compared to larger and more urban municipal...
. The higher the value, the more survey respondents believe it is high in their country. Crime levels: Level of crime. Based on 0-50 contributions for Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria and 82 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria and 24 more countries and ...
Income disparities and heightened poverty levels can serve as catalysts for elevated or reduced criminal activity, as individuals may or may not turn to illicit means to fulfill their basic needs. This could be one of many factors that may influence crime. The educational level achieved in any ...
Recent years have witnessed a sharp rise in crime levels in most of the societies across the world. Apart from the increasing direct costs involved in the containment/control of crime, the subject societies also bear considerable psychic costs (results of fear of crime or the after effects of ...
The Crime Survey England and Wales (CSEW) (formerly the British Crime Survey (BCS)) also reveals lower levels of ‘fear’ of crime in rural areas. Not surprisingly, then, geographers describing the rural idyll incorporate notions of safety and security, a stark contrast to the nemesis of an...
The rate of calls to the non-emergency 311 system to report street light outages is an indicator of Baltimore’s communities that may have high and persistent issues with public lighting. Areas with reports of high street light outages may have higher levels of potential victimization as darkness...
High levels of discretion with respect to arrest and sentencing and very high costs of detention, arrest and incarceration encourage bribery; the more arbitrary and painful the experience with the penal system, the easier it is for officials to extort money for avoiding it. These characteristics ...
Factor endowments have been also considered by means of a human capital indicator, HC, capturing the regional percentage of people who have acquired levels of education between the upper secondary education and doctoral level or equivalent, according to the International Standard Classification of ...
Since 1978, the Chinese reform policy has brought fast economic developments and social change but also considerably higher crime levels. China’s rap