CrimethInc. is a decentralized network pledged to anonymous collective action. We strive to reinvent our lives and our world according to the principles of self-determination and mutual aid.
In addition, depending on the nature of their jobs or roles, they could also have more specific titles such as cybersecurity incident responders and penetration testers. For this paper, the term cybersecurity professionals will be used to collectively represent the people engaged by organizations to...
Thoreau was surrounded by Maine’s wild economy. From his first visit to a bateaux factory in Old Town to his final “hot shave” at Joe Polis’ house on the Indian Island reservation, Thoreau’s “Maine Woods” is a primer on the requirements and value of Maine’s nature-based or wild...
8 p.m. City Council Chambers A copy .of the above Charter Amenqmenit Resolution 1986-2 is posted in the Gree:1belt Municipal Buitding in accordlance with the requirements of Section li3(d) of Article 23A of the Annotated Code -of Maryliand, ,and may be dbt/alined from the City ...
College Computer Lab In college, I worked in the computer lab. The university had a really fancy computer sitting unused in storage. I took all its internal parts home with me one by one. Later, I bought a case and reassembled them into a new computer to serve the general public in a...
Fragments projected by hot air can also affect structures near or more distant from the point of explosion, such as those found in our study. It should be noted that we will speak of the effects and not of injuries found on the part of the carcass, since we did not use a living ...