through the Midwest, and into the Northeast. While CJNG’s presence appears limited to the West Coast, it is a cartel of significant concern, as it is quickly becoming one of the most powerful organizations in Mexico, and DEA projects its presence...
"Initially, there are five cities, but there are going to be more in different states," he added. Last year, Mexico reported record high number of homicide cases over two decades. Authorities blame the wave of mounting violence on smaller drug cartels who are trying to wrest control of this...
Sales in Mexican Area Have a Catch ; Presence of Drug Cartel Depresses Prices Even Though Crime Is SubduedWith demand down and prices depressed, the Los Cabos region ofMexico is telling potential buyers...KATHERINE TARBOX
level. Mexico is the current chair of the G-20 countries and the meeting will be hosted on June 18-19. A senior state department official said that the meeting is informal so it will not result in any formal statements. "This meeting reflects, in many ways, the evolution of the G-...
The Mexican peso - is the official currency in Mexico. There are one hundred Mexican centavos to every peso. The symbol for the Mexican Peso is $, so you can see MX$ or MN$ in banks and exchange points. Weather The best weather here is during the month of March and November. The ho...
level. Mexico is the current chair of the G-20 countries and the meeting will be hosted on June 18-19. A senior state department official said that the meeting is informal so it will not result in any formal statements. "This meeting reflects in many ways the evolution of the G-20 ...
A. In Sonora. B. In Mexico state. C. In a place in US. D. Near the US-Mexico border. Why will the researchers sell the naming rights of the butterfly? To raise money for wildlife protection. To raise money for more research. To cause people’s attention to the new discovery. To...