Fatal Frontier: Evil in Alaska 2 votes The remote beauty of Alaska serves as the backdrop for this chilling series, which examines the sinister underbelly of the state's isolated communities and the shocking crimes that have taken place within them. From brutal murders to mysterious disappearances...
13% of the population belong to Asian/Pacific Islanders and 4% respectively are American Indian/ Alaska Native or from unspecified ethnic backgrounds. By An External Perpetrator (Source: pwc.com) In the case of corporate crime statistics, the highest number of criminal activities were performed by...
Cold Blooded Alaska (2021) The documentary series Cold Blooded Alaska consists of nine parts and examines some of the most heinous crimes and criminal investigations in the 49th state. These crimes and investigations demonstrate why Alaska has earned a reputation for being such a bloody place throu...
1952-2013. Born in Amarillo, Texas, and died in California; a district court judge in Alaska; a member of the Baker Street Irregulars. (Correcting the dates and adding biographical detail for the author of “The Problem of the Salty Doggery,” a 1973 pamphlet in CFIV under his pseudonym...
Your lawyer can help negotiate a plea bargain, if available in your case. ShareTweetShare Did you find this article helpful? Not helpfulVery helpful Need a Criminal Defense Lawyer in your Area? By State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii ...
In 2020, Fairbanks, Alaska was the metro area with the highest rate of property crime in the United States with 4,152.2 property crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. Alexandria, Louisiana had the second highest rate, with 4,018.7 property crimes per 100,000 inhabitants. ...
For example: CRS 18-3-412.5; Alaska Stat. § 11.56.840; La. R.S. § 15:542.1.4; N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14-208.11; Rev. Code Wash. (ARCW) § 9A.44.132. California Penal Codes 290.012 PC and 290.013 PC. California Criminal Jury Instructions (CALCRIM) No. 1170. California Penal ...
Still, reported crime rates targeting older Americans and the elderly continue to climb, up 84% in 2022 over 2021, according to federal numbers. Investigators urge individuals to avoid unsolicited pop-ups or messages in texts and emails and decline to download unknown software or give others remot...
taking someone out—Cutter’s the best. But his newest assignment is taking him out of his comfort zone to southeast Alaska. Cold, dark, uninhabited forests often shrouded in fog. And it’s the kind of case that makes his blood run cold . . . the shocking murder of a Tlingit Indian...
The vastness of the territory, along with its shared international border with Alaska, makes the Yukon unique when it comes to assessing the impact of drugs on the community. The U.S. border increases the potential for international drug trafficking. The territory’s remoteness factors in...