Crime And Punishment - Fun Lovin' Criminals I pity the punks that partake in the madness Yangin' the young for their products and profits The pushers keep pushin' on D and on Jump Street Pushin' the passive pill so ya don't need Kids makin' bids with nines in their goose ...
Paul Higgins - Crime & Punishment
Crime and Punishment by表演者:RAiNSE雨观作词:-作曲:RAiNSE雨观¥ 160.00 起 若您有项目配乐需求,开通曲多多套餐服务,单曲可享最低¥66.66/首, 立即了解 > 加入歌单 分享 试用 立即购买 所属专辑 迦南 BPM 92 主版本 主版本 00:00/04:18 歌曲标签 使用场景 自媒体/短视频 影视配乐 情景剧 流派 ...
I swear you won't regret it. She has a piano, and you know, I strum a little. I have a song there, a genuine Russian one: 'I shed hot tears.' She likes the genuine article--and well, it all began with that song; Now you're a regular performer, a /maitre/, a Rubinstein…...
Lebeziatnikov would have gone on, but Sonia, who had heard him almost breathless, snatched up her cloak and hat, and ran out of the room, putting on her things as she went. Raskolnikov followed her and Lebeziatnikov came after him. “She has certainly gone mad!” he said to Raskol...
松任谷由实 声乐、 伴唱 Masataka Matsutoya 键盘、 曼陀林 Tatsuo Hayashi 鼓 斉 斉藤信夫 打击乐 Kenji Takamizu 低音吉他 细野晴臣 低音吉他 Masaki Matsubara 电吉他 Ted M. Gibson 原声吉他 Koji Hatori 小号、 富格鲁号 Mitsuru Honda 小号、 富格鲁号 ...
A dark-haired young man with a barrel organ was standing in the road in front of a little general shop and was grinding out a very sentimental song. He was accompanying a girl of fifteen, who stood on the pavement in front of him. She was dressed up in a crinoline, a mantle and a...
This is, depending on who's talking, seems to have brought on by his 2013 Crime and Punishment-inspired epic Norte: The End Of History, which strikes a different chord from his previous, less "conventional" works, such as Death in the Land of Encantos (2007). That isn't to say his...