This is, depending on who's talking, seems to have brought on by his 2013 Crime and Punishment-inspired epic Norte: The End Of History, which strikes a different chord from his previous, less "conventional" works, such as Death in the Land of Encantos (2007). That isn't to say his...
Onstage forms of punishment are discussed as well. The analysis shows that the passage from sin to crime and from religious condemnation to earthly punishment, a phenomenon still difficult to perceive for law and social historians, is nevertheless foreshadowed in early...
and sees London lawyer Matthew Shardlake cross paths with Cromwell in the first two books,DissolutionandDark Fire. The Tudor period was a truly terrifying time to live, not least because of the brutality of its criminal justice system.
Heresy is a religious belief that is contrary to the religious doctrines of an established religion. Punishment for heresy was once common in the West. An example of a heresy is Arianism, a belief which denies the divinity of Christ.
Beneath the surface, Paul roiled with an extreme hostility to the authority of schoolteachers. The schools he attended allowed corporal punishment but the rebellious Paul frequently grabbed a ruler from a teacher and hit the teacher back. He frequently skipped classes and stole examination papers. ...
Friday August 14, 2020 Corporate Crime and Punishment: The Crisis of Under Enforcement Thursday August 13, 2020 White House Seeks Crackdown on U.S.-Listed Chinese Firms Wednesday August 12, 2020 Stakeholder Capitalism Seems Mostly for Show Tuesday August 11, 2020 Salmonella Linked to Onions Monday...