Careers in Forensic Science - Crime Scene Investigator, Crime Laboratory AnalystInstitute For Career Research
Dexter Morgan (left) is the titular character inDexter, a show featuring a blood spatter pattern analyst for the Miami Metro Police Department who also happens to be a serial killer. But Dexter kills by the code: only kill despicable people fall prey to his deadly skills and he never leaves...
Sherry Calhune, The same DNA analyst who testified erroneously that a hair associated with the Beerntsen attack beloged to Avery, now produced the sample that would free him. According to a recent interview with Ms. Beerntsen, Manitowoc Police Department (not to be confused with the county...
Business Analyst (金融业务分析师;英语流利)2.5万-4万 广州- 天河 成都迈思信息技术有限公司 财经讲师1万-2万 广州- 天河 广东科德投资顾问有限公司 实习生60-80/天 广州- 越秀 中信建投期货有限公司 查看更多相似职位 职位发布者 梁丽君/人事经理
In this chapter, serving crime analyst, Rebecca Nagy, describes her path from education to experienced crime analyst with the Los Angeles Police Department. The chapter is a personal account of Rebecca's experiences as a new analyst facing inappropriate tasks and charts the actions she took to ...