为非凡创意量身定做的材料。 您的任何疑问,我们细心解答。 哪款机器适合您?
为非凡创意量身定做的材料。 您的任何疑问,我们细心解答。 哪款机器适合您?
附上您的大名,尽管尝试各种颜色、字体效果以及更多。让您的想象之花尽情绽放。 3. 裁切设计。 放心将您的项目交给 Cricut 机器,它会施展魔力,精益求精地完成一点一滴的切割工作。 4. 应用成品。 从笔记本电脑到小夜灯,从 T 恤衫到手提包,您的设计可以应用于任何东西,或者拼接成为独特的工艺作品。
Cricut ExploreCricut Maker Compare Cricut machines – which one is for you? 19 May 2023 Cricut FeaturedHow-To How to Publish and Share Projects in Design Space 24 July 2023 Cricut MaterialsEveryday Making Starting a business with Cricut
Our fits-in-any-space smart cutting machine for popular projects like full-color stickers, custom cards, T-shirts & so much more. $199.00 $129.00 Shop Now Cricut Explore® 3 Our smart cutting machine for making popular projects like vinyl decals, stickers, cards & T-shirts. You can eve...
更多資源,讓你可以開始使用Cricut Explore Air 2。 只要在下方選擇一個連結即可。 包裝盒內容 機器概覽 瞭解相容的機器墊 了解兼容的刀片和機牀 了解相容的材料 了解相容的筆和馬克筆 註冊機器 如何下載Design Space...
Create personalized vinyl decals, iron-ons, cards, and more with Cricut cutting machines and printers. Shop the latest Cricut Maker, Explore, and Joy models in India.
At Spotlight you can find the right Cricut machine and materials for your project, plus get inspired with ourCricut projects and ideas. Check out our full range online, or head into your nearestSpotlight storeand ask one of our team members for help in choosing the right Cricut machine and ...
Want to set up Cricut on your device? Go to cricut.com/setup to download & install the “Design Space” for your Windows, Mac, and Android.
At Spotlight you can find the right Cricut machine and materials for your project, plus get inspired with ourCricut projects and ideas. Check out our full range online, or head into your nearestSpotlight storeand ask one of our team members for help in choosing the right Cricut machine and ...