为非凡创意量身定做的材料。 您的任何疑问,我们细心解答。 哪款机器适合您?
Cricut设计空间专为Cricut系列模切机打造,可通过手机进行各种图像和字体的选择,感受便捷的设计模式,非常适合手工爱好者和设计师们使用,轻松使用蓝牙功能操控你的模切机。 Cricut设计空间app介绍: Cricut设计空间是一款配套应用程序,可与Cricut Maker.和CricutExplore.系列智能切割机配合使用。在Cricut Library中浏览数千个图...
Discover Design Space a free, easy-to-learn Cricut app that powers every Cricut cutting machine. It's where your projects come to life from design to execution.
it. Two- This one is more human error than anything. I have lost two projects because I was a dummy and did not save my projects at frequent enough (or at all) intervals, then my app would glitch I would have to restart the app and come back to my project selections and it was ...
使用Cricut Heat 應用程式需遵守 Cricut 的《使用條款》,請參閱:cricut.com/legal。(你知道律師都很小心...) 新內容 2024年6月17日 版本1.1.3 錯誤修復和性能增強 App 隱私權 開發者「Cricut, Inc.」指出 App 的隱私權實務可能包含下方描述的資料處理。如需更多資訊,請參閱開發者的隱私權政策。 會與...
This is a beta version of Cricut Design Space for Android*. Help us improve this version by submitting feedback and bug reports within the app from the account menu. Cricut Design Space™ Beta for Android is your easy-to-use application for browsing project ideas, designing and laying out...
5. Install the Design Space from the App Store for iOS. 6. Next, click the app icon and log in with your Cricut (id and password). 7. If you are working with the Cricut machine as a newbie, make an ID. 8. After that, click on the menu and tap onMachine Setup ...
Install Cricut Design Space on your device. Ensure to connect your Cricut with Bluetooth or USB to your device and then search for the Design space App.
打开Mac App Store 购买和下载 App。Cricut Heat: DIY Heat Transfer 4+ Iron-On, Infusible Ink & more Cricut, Inc. 专为iPhone 设计 4.0 • 1 个评分 免费 iPhone 截屏简介 借助这款适用于 Cricut EasyPress® 3 和 Cricut Hat Press™ 智能热压机的配套应用,您可以为几乎所有热转印 (HTV) 项目...