To play the game of cricket. [Obsolete Frenchcriquet,piece of wood, from Old French,stick for a bowling game, perhaps from Middle Dutchcricke,walking stick.] crick′et·er,crick′et·eer′(-ĭ-tîr′)n. crick·et3 (krĭk′ĭt) ...
stem and the cricket is pulled out when they bite (Cameroon: Bakoko; Mozambique: Nchope, Shona; Tanzania: Chaga; Zimbabwe: Shona). The entrance to their burrow can be found during the day from the heap of soil made by the cricket when they dig their hole (Benin: Tori; Cameroon: Banen...
playing in the fields and while walking home from school in the case of children, and when outbreaks occur and when working in the fields in the case of adults. These activities occur during daylight hours. In addition, the large cricketB. membranaceus colosseusis collected during the day by...