The 18-year-old Tamil Nadu batter has recently earned a call-up to the India Under-19 squad for the upcoming Asia Cup in the UAE. New Zealand all-rounder Glenn Philips re-entered the auction at his base price of Rs 2 crore and despite going unsold earlier, it was Gujarat Titans who ...
Glass Partition in UAE August 3, 2023 Performance Training Contaminated VS Polluted Umair Amir - December 3, 2024 0 Contaminated vs Polluted: Understanding the Difference In everyday language, the terms "contaminated" and "polluted" are often used interchangeably. However, these two words have dis...
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Bumrah: I've always wanted to do the tough jobs Jasprit BumrahandPat Cumminskinda sorta sparkled in their freshly pressed Test whites on Thursday morning. Swap the green grass for a catwalk stage and Perth for Paris - the picture would've been complete. ...
opportunity in Big Bash or any other foreign league. India is a superpower in cricket, but our coaches do not get the opportunity anywhere. All the foreigners come here and get the top jobs. We are more democratic and flexible than other leagues. We need to give our people more ...
(and here comes a little whinge) it would have been nice for them to schedule the games a little later in the week, so that those of us with jobs might have had the chance to watch some of it, but as we know the fans will always come last in the ECB’s thinking. As a side ...