containerd 是一个来自 Docker 的高级容器运行时,并实现了 CRI 规范。它是从 Docker 项目中分离出来,之后 containerd 被捐赠给云原生计算基金会(CNCF)为容器社区提供创建新容器解决方案的基础。 所以Docker 自己在内部使用 containerd,当你...
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION INTERNAL-IP EXTERNAL-IP OS-IMAGE KERNEL-VERSION CONTAINER-RUNTIME master Ready control-plane 2d14h v1.28.8 <none> Rocky Linux 9.4 (Blue Onyx) 5.14.0-427.20.1.el9_4.x86_64 cri-o://1.28.4 worker-containerd Ready <none> 46h v1.28.10 192.168....
Docker项目是C/S架构,Docker client端发送请求给docker daemon采用root用户运行在host上,通过socket进行通信,docker daemon接收创建容器的请求再发送给containerd,容器进程是docker daemon的子进程,而不是dockerCLI的子进程。 image.png 可以通过查看进程树 # pstree -psystemd(1)-+-agetty(3596)|-crond(25481)|-dbus...
containerd is a Docker-made runtime solution. This daemon is available for Linux and Windows OSes. As part of the Docker project, containerd manages image transfer and storage, as well as container creation, execution and supervision. Kubernetes does not need the entire Docker platform to use c...
CRI Vs CRI-Containerd 运行时,而且不用重新编译。在CRI存在之前,容器运行时(例如docker,rkt)是通过在kubelet中实现一个内部的高层接口与kubelet集成在一起。 以前称为OCID,CRI-O要严格注意OCI...一个重要的提示 -CRI-O实际上并不是一个与Docker项目的竞争 - 事实上它共享Docker引擎使用的相同的OCI runC容器运...
CRI Vs CRI-Containerd CRI-O守护进程与容器运行时一起工作来启动容器。当Kubernetes需要停止容器时,CRI-O将处理该容器。 所有的东西都在后台管理Linux容器。 Kubelet is a node...运行时,而且不用重新编译。在CRI存在之前,容器运行时(例如docker,rkt)是通过在kubelet中实现一个内部的高层接口与kubelet集成在一起...
docker containerd cri-o 添加 crun runtime 下载crun # 下载crunwget 可执行权限chmod+x crun-1.4.2-linux-amd64# mv 到系统bin目录mvcrun-1.4.2-linux-amd64 /usr/bin/crun... v0.2.2/go.mod h1:pWygW9u7LtS1o4N/Tn0FoCFDIXZ7rxcMX7HX1Dmibvk= v0.3.0 h1:nisirsYROK15TAMVukJOUyGJjz4BNQJBVsNvAXZJ/eg= v1.19.0 h1:PcTvvl+SHaekCMQZFQkYjn1RKlYrK6khYbuhOeF68k0= github... Expand DownExpand Up@@ -214,9 +215,9 @@ require ( ...
ahh okay so what you're running into is the non host network pods can't be cleaned up because the networking pod isn't running. kubernetes doesnt' do a very good job of differentiating pods that are vital to the system (like the networking pod) vs others, so it removes them out of ...