CRI opens mew unit at Perundurai SEZ.Press Trust of India
A heatwave has led to 98 deaths in India's northern state Uttar Pradesh and its adjoining state Bihar. 印度北部北方邦及其毗邻的比哈尔邦遭遇热浪袭击,造成98人死亡。 Officials say most of the patients were aged above 60 years. 印度官员表示,大多数遇难者年龄在60岁以上。 Data showed the maximum te...
What is the focal point of future Cooperation and competition between China and India, the two largest emerging economies?中文翻译 去年5月自总理纳伦德拉·莫迪上台后印度的经济呈现强劲增长趋势。印度的金融当局预计GDP标准修订后今年国内生产总值增长会超过8%。总理莫迪的经济政策被认为是印度增长背后的强劲驱动...
At least twenty people, including women and children have been killed in India, and several others injured 印度踩踏事件至少造成包括妇女和儿童在内的20人死亡,另有多人受伤, following a stampede on a bridge over the Ganges river during a religious ceremony. 事故发生时印度恒河地带正在举行宗教庆典,...
emerge la situazione di "una governance congiunta tra oriente e occidente", e il G20, inclusi i sette paesi tradizionali occidentali e le nuove economie emergenti come Cina e India, è diventato la piattaforma importante p...
CRI Groups is one of the leading pump manufacturer in India. We offer wide range of Pumps, Pipes, Wires, Cables & Valve for special applications.
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CRI Groups is one of the leading pump manufacturer in India. We offer wide range of Pumps, Pipes, Wires, Cables & Valve for special applications.
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