Crestwood 的学生和校友以自信和冒险精神对待生活。在致力于有效教师和教学实践的氛围、安全、纪律和培育环境,以及极其丰富的学术和课外活动中,机会和成功比比皆是。教师邀请和鼓励各级学生参与,定期与家长沟通,并以积极和专业的态度协助解决任何问题。我们的学术课程以
也是有年头的老牌私立高中了,学校分为1-6年级的lower school和7-12年级的upper school,其中,upper school又叫做Crestwood Preparatory College,这两个校区都位于多伦多北约克地区,属于比较繁华,比较富裕的地区,交通和餐饮等都比较方便,那我们先来看看它的幼儿园和小学(想看高中的旁友可以跳过这段,直接往下拉)~...
Crestwood High School is in the north western Sydney suburb of Baulkham Hills and has an enrolment of 1006 students. The school offers a quality coeducational comprehensive education and includes a support unit for students with physical and intellectual disabilities. Excellent facilities include a farm...
Crestwood School District contains 3 schools and 2,840 students. The district’s minority enrollment is 10%. Also, 25.7% of students are economically disadvantaged. Schools in the District preschools 0 elementary schools 2 middle schools 2 high schools 1 Browse schools Elementary SchoolsMiddle School...
A modern, uniquely designed school Crestwood High School has a college or campus "feel" where students of all year groups find places in the winter sun or summer shade. During February and March, we offer school tours in the morning and afternoon to see the school in operation. See the ca...
Crestwood Preparatory College凯斯伍德中学坐落在北美经济中心之一的多伦多北约克地区,紧邻贵族社区,环境优越,也是一所治学严谨、校风活泼,广泛为加拿大主流社会所认可的高级私立学校。凭借其卓越的教学质量、先进与传统相结合的教学理念、多元化的课程设置以及因材施教的教学方式,凯斯伍德中学成功跻身于享有盛誉的加拿大安大略...
有一个很好的了解私校的渠道——每年9月在市中心举行的Toronto Private School Expo。这个活动就像一个大型的job fair,你可以和各个私校的招生主任、校长以及在校学生面对面交流,拿到学校的宣传册,甚至当场预约参观。现场有几十所私校,你不可能每个展台都去聊,所以提前做功课是关键!
Crestwood High School费用多少? 答 回复人:朴老师|回复时间:1478170750 克雷斯特伍德公立中学(Crestwood High School)建于1981年,位于北悉尼郊区的一个山丘上,是一所男女同校的综合性中学,学校为学生提供全面的、高质量的教育。学校有优秀的设施,其中包括一个农场。克雷斯特伍德中学非常关注学生积极的学习行为和与当...
学校信息 School information 学校类型:公立、中学 特色专业: 地址:17 Chapel Lane,Baulkham Hills 2153 院校官网 院校介绍 Location Crestwood High School is in the north western Sydney suburb of Baulkham Hills and has an enrolment of 1006 students. The school offers a quality coeducational comprehensive ...
多伦多的Crestwood school怎么样?Crestwood是一个私立国际学校,也有本地生源,但仍然有很多华人留学生。Cr...