将“Crestuma"翻译成英文.例句:Crest bu akşam Dubai'ye gidiyor. ↔ Crest is leaving for Dubai tonight.
加亚新城 (Crestuma附近) Quinta Verde Esperança位于加亚新城,距离杜罗河有14公里,提供花园、免费WiFi、共用厨房和共用休息室。这家度假屋配备免费私人停车位。客人可以在周边地区体验徒步和乒乓球等活动。 这家度假屋配有1间卧室、1间浴室、床上用品、毛巾、带卫星频道的平板电视、用餐区、设施齐全的厨房以及花园景...
Porto Douro Grande Maison avec Piscine couverte eau chauffée坐落于Crestuma,距离坎帕哈火车站仅有14公里,提供户外游泳池、共用休息室和共用厨房。这家自助式度假屋拥有私人泳池、花园、烧烤设施、免费WiFi和免费私人停车位。 这家度假屋享有池景,配备露台,配有5间卧室、起居室、卫星频道平板电视、设施齐全的厨房以...
照片 关于 葡萄牙波尔图 — 2019年8月13日:葡萄牙杜罗河Crestuma Lever大坝的船闸内,水手看着游轮两侧. 图片 包括有 结构, 发运, 波尔图 - 162094581
The data refers to one year (from November 2000 to November 2001) and samples were taken, every month, in two sites of Crestuma reservoir. One in its centre and another near the caption of the water treatment station. Every sample had been collected near the surface and physical, chemical...
Monthly, for one year, the quality of the Crestuma-Lever reservoir (in two sampling sites: Crestuma and Marina) was assessed using physical, chemical, and biological (concentration of chlorophyll-a) elements proposed by the WFD. Additionally, D. magna was exposed to the collected water samples...
探索盖亚生物园精彩的户外活动,这是盖亚镇的一大胜地。漫步于港口或游览水疗。 盖亚生物园 梅尔里什河海滩 梅尔里什之旅期间,何不前往梅尔里什河海滩度过一个悠闲的下午? 梅尔里什河海滩 乌勒玛河岸公园 探索乌勒玛河岸公园精彩的户外活动,这是Fiães的一大胜地。
預訂克雷斯圖馬最佳特色酒店、探索加亞新城各區, 享受早餐、自助餐、酒店credit、Spa、信用卡優惠等豐富著數, 享受價格保證、免費取消及全天候廣東話客服
Chemical monitoring and evaluation of the water quality of the River Douroat the Crestuma-Lever dam. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 3:382-385Trancoso, M.A.; Cruz, M.J.; Salgueiro, P.; Caldeira, Z. Chemical monitoring and evaluation of the water quality of the Douro River at the ...