Through a full complement of onboard control ports, the CP4N can be integrated with a wide variety of audio, video, lighting, motorized shades, thermostats, door locks, sensors, security systems, and other equipment. Gigabit Ethernet provides an interface for connecting to the building network an...
CRESTRON CP4N中控主机主要特点具有2 GB SDRAM和8 GB闪存的4系列控制系统嵌入式4系列多核CPU处理器iPhone®,iPad®和Android™设备控制应用程序支持XPanel计算机和基于Web的控件模块化编程架构板载IR /串行,COM,I / O,中继,Cresnet®网络和高速千兆以太网控制端口控制子网端口为Crestron®设备提供专用的本地网...