除了节省空间,解决方案还大大减少了部署时间,这成为了Chris Scott及其团队选择Peppermill采用DM NVX AV-over-IP技术的关键因素。Scott表示:“我们迫切需要快速完成这个项目。”他继续说道:“我们评估了多种方案,其他供应商告诉我们,不可能在短短一个半月内完成。但Crestron的DM NVX不仅成本更低,还省去了拆除亭子、地板...
The complete AV-over-IP solution Offices and classrooms. Homes, hotel lounges, and Esports arenas. DM NVX technology sends all things to all places with networked video, audio, USB, and control — all in one. Manage and maximize. Your way. ...
“Working with top talent at Intel®, we created a 1Gb, 4K/60, AV over IP solution based on Intel’s open standard OPS slot,” said Fred Bargetzi, Crestron CTO. “The DM-NVX-D80-IoAV drops into native OPS slots in the back of professional displays, adding enterprise-grade security ...
CrestronDM NVX®AV-over-IP feature releases provides major enhancements that expand the entire platform’s ability to deliver even greater performance and value. These enhancements meet the latest technology formats, industry standards, and organizational needs to help drive even greater productivity and...
As Crestron rapidly approaches the shipment of one million DM NVX® AV-over-IP units since the product’s introduction, here are two real-world examples of successful implementationWhen you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it wor...
可靠,高性能AV-over-IP墙板编码器,通过标准千兆以太网传输4K60 4:2:0和4K30 4:4:4视频,没有可察觉的延迟或质量损失。支持HDCP 2.3,为企业和校园范围的内容分发应用提供安全的4K信号路由解决方案。安装到一个2组电气箱。 面板单独出售 快思聪GLS-ODT-C-CN ...
整个产品线均已实现超快速,无缝切换;本地支持AES67 Audio-over-IP标准即将来到。 工作场所和智能家居技术领域的全球领导者 Crestron 快思聪在 ISE 2020 展会上展示了业内领先的 CrestronDM NVX ® 在 AV-over-IP 平台上最新功能:原生支持AES67 audio-over-IP 标准,超快速和无缝切换。通过免费固件升级,现有 DM...
可靠,高性能AV-over-IP墙板编码器,通过标准千兆以太网传输4K60 4:2:0和4K30 4:4:4视频,没有可察觉的延迟或质量损失。支持HDCP 2.3,为企业和校园范围的内容分发应用提供安全的4K信号路由解决方案。安装到一个2组电气箱。 面板单独出售 控制主机CP4N ...
Crestron推出了 DM NVX 384 解码器/编码器解决方案,以简化统一通信、协作和数字标牌。 384 解码器/编码器是 Crestron DM NVX AV-over-IP 生态系统的最新成员。它旨在提供无缝的 AVoIP 性能。Crestron 强调,该解决方案旨在满足客户对会议室控制和设计方面的可扩展性、灵活性、效率和安全性的需求。