Simultaneously share multiple windows for multiple presenters Choose the model that’s right for you From more affordable to more advanced models, AirMedia technology makes it easy to bring wireless presentation to every kind of space. AirMedia Receiver ...
●采用AirMedia®2.0无线演示技术 ●利用现有的Wi-Fi®无线网络实现BYOD连接 ●与Windows®,macOS®,Android®和Apple®iOS®设备兼容 ●HDMI®输入为分辨率高达1080p60的信号源提供有线连接 ●HDMI输出为单个HD或WUXGA显示设备供电 ●通过CEC,IR或RS-232控制显示设备 ●符合HDCP 1.4标准 ●可自定义的欢...
Download the AirMedia application for Windows or macOS below. Use the deployable applications to silently install the AirMedia app to computers across the enterprise. This ensures that everyone in your organization is ready to seamlessly connect to an AirMedia device. FileVersionRelease DateType ...
AirMedia 无线演示 有了AirMedia 无线演示技术,用户可以通过外部 Wi-Fi®无线网络,以无线方式分享笔记本电脑、智能手机,和平板设备上的资讯。使用客户端软件或 Google Chrome™ 网络浏览器(仅限 Windows 10®)的 AirMedia 扩展程序,分享来自台式机或笔记本电脑的内容。使用 AirMedia 应用程序,分享来自 Android™...
●采用AirMedia®2.0无线演示技术 ●利用现有的Wi-Fi®无线网络实现BYOD连接 ●与Windows®,macOS®,Android®和Apple®iOS®设备兼容 ●HDMI®输入为分辨率高达1080p60的信号源提供有线连接 ●DM®输入支持连接DM 8G+®发送器,支持分辨率高达4K60 ●DM 8G+技术使用单根CAT型线缆可以使线缆传输长达...
Crestron AirMedia is a presentation solution that enables wireless presentation over the existing IT infrastructure - from any device and platform. Ideal for conference rooms and meeting rooms where AV cabling is not possible for budget or technical reasons: Crestron AirMedia is available in 2 ...
AirMedia supports Windows® and OS X® computers, as well as Apple iOS and Android mobile devices. Presenters using a Mac® or PC can connect to AirMedia without any special software installed, while iPad® and other mobile device users need only download the free AirMedia app from ...
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爱企查为您提供上海邦视电子科技有限公司CRESTRON快思聪AirMedia演示系统 AM-200 Wi-Fi版无线投屏等产品,您可以查看公司工商信息、主营业务、详细的商品参数、图片、价格等信息,并联系商家咨询底价。欲了解更多摄像机、视频会议、大屏显示、音响扩声、矩阵信息,请访问爱
AirMedia 2.0 技术具备如下特点:带宽消耗最低,因此能够实现最佳的网络效率;时延最低,所以能够实时响应键盘和鼠标动作;极其流畅的视频回放;屏幕上显示连接说明,与日历平台相连时还可以显示会议室是否可用以及会议的详情;基于云的简便部署和管理;无需 Bonjour? 软件便可对以下操作系统进行全面镜像:Windows 、MacOS 、Androi...