Define crestal. crestal synonyms, crestal pronunciation, crestal translation, English dictionary definition of crestal. n another name for crystal Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991
crestal bone levelIntroduction Dental implants replace missing teeth. Dental implants are surgically placed tooth root replacements that secure prosthetic teeth and bridges. Branemark's original dental implant technique included a mesiobuccal flap and a two-stage approach, needing 6-8 months of recovery...
Influence of Abutment Design on Crestal Bone in Implant-tooth-supported BridgesInfluence of Abutment Design on Crestal Bone in Implant-tooth-supported BridgesThe maintenance of crestal bone is considered essential for successful implant treatment. Objectives: To compare radiographically and histometrically...
the Villa 3D planner application was used to create an axial cross-section at the level of dental fissures on the mandibular anterior teeth. Next, a line was drawn at the highest convexity of the tooth’s vestibular
The aim of this study was to measure changes in buccal alveolar crestal bone levels after immediate placement and loading of dental implants with Morse taper prosthetic abutments after tooth extraction. This study followed the STROBE guidelines regarding prospective cohort studies. The sample comprised...
This retrospective study compares the amount of bone resorption around implants between an autogenous tooth bone graft (AutoBT) and a synthetic bone graft after a bone-added crestally approached sinus lift with simultaneous implant placements. In all, 37 patients participated in this study. Seventeen...
A randomized, controlled, multi-center clinical study evaluating the crestal bone level change of straumann bone level O 3.3 mm slactive roxolid implants compared to straumann bone level O 4.1 mm slactive roxolid implants for single tooth replacement in the anterior and pre-molar region...
15856 Poster displayClinical Research – Peri‐Implant Biology Background The immediate placement of dental implants following tooth extraction is a predictable therapeutic modality with a high success rate. However, the crestal bone of immediately placed implants is prone to resorption due to the ...
BONE graftingOBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the amount of crestal bone remodeling in polished collar implants. METHODOLOGY: Thirty patients with a missing maxillary or mandibular 1st or 2nd premolar tooth requiring simultaneous bone grafting were recruited and implant placed at the level...
A significant difference was seen between the interproximal crestal bone height between the conventional region (M1) for CV2 and the conservative region (M2) for CS2 at 90 days and 180 days (P< 0.05). There was a statistically increased sulcus depth of the adjacent tooth at the conventional ...