The names of the entries correspond to their given case names by CIA archive. The cases contain mission files and personal profiles. The personal profiles are CIA agents, captured Nazi agents during WW2. Also see theLatvians in the CIA Archiveproject. ...
crest Star Here are 16 public repositories matching this topic... Language: All Sort: Most stars skydome20 / crawler_CIA_CREST Star 15 Code Issues Pull requests R-crawler for CIA website (CREST) crawler r parse web xpath cia crest xml2 Updated Mar 27, 2018 R EVEpros...
规格:CASE 报价:¥1307.00 商品描述 (PROCTER & GAMBLE) TOOTHPASTE CREST CAVITY REGULAR 6.4OZ 24/CA SKU:10037000860044 (PROCTER & GAMBLE) CREST CAVITY CM GEL 5.7OZ 24/CA 货号:10037000512032 品牌:Ciamedical 发表于2024年1月1日由上海金畔生物科技有限公司 ...
“Access to this historically significantcollection is no longer limited by geography。 TheAmerican public can access these documents from the comfort of their homes,”notes Joseph Lambert, the CIA Director of Information Management。 The CREST collection covers a myriad oftopics, such as the early ...
The abbreviationCRESTcommonly refers to theCIA Records Search Tool, a resource used for accessing declassified documents and records maintained by the Central Intelligence Agency. Additionally, CREST can represent various other meanings in different contexts, such as theCrested SealorCrested Butcherbird. ...
the family crest.blasónˈcrested adjective having a tuft on the head. crestado Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. crest n. cresta, prominencia; copete. 1. reborde o prominencia de un hueso; 2. la elevación máxima de una línea en un gráf...
In Timecrest, where epic fantasy meets interactive fiction, author Lisa J. Skye introduces you to Ash Elden, where together you both must scramble to solve the puzzle of who unfroze the meteors to destroy Ash’s world of Alyncia. You discover that you have access to a forbidden magic–the...
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商品名称:佳洁士(CREST)3D炫白沁醒冰橙牙膏170g 防蛀 含氟牙膏淡黄 清新口气 3D炫白牙膏(沁醒冰橙)170g 商品编号:10106552597090 店铺: 腾九家庭清洁店 货号:XdyciAY2 功效:亮白,清新口气,多效护理 产地:广东 是否含氟:含氟 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承诺 京东平台卖家销...
Cia Whitworth - California OMG! I love it so much! This was a gift for my Father on my Wedding Day. Jack even hand-painted my personalized message on the back of the shield. Thank you so much. Rachael Vega - Raleigh NC I just received my item today and was exceptionally pleased ...