KneeAnterior knee painPhysical functionCrepitusWomen who presents knee crepitus have 4 times greater odds to be in a group with PFP compared to those who do not. However, knee crepitus has no relationship with self-reported clinical outcomes of women with PFP....
Define crepitus. crepitus synonyms, crepitus pronunciation, crepitus translation, English dictionary definition of crepitus. n 1. a crackling chest sound heard in pneumonia and other lung diseases 2. the grating sound of two ends of a broken bone rubbing
- The doctor heard crepitus when examining the patient's knee joint.(医生在检查病人膝关节时听到了捻发音。) - Crepitus in the lungs can be a sign of certain respiratory diseases.(肺部的捻发音可能是某些呼吸系统疾病的征兆。) - The presence of crepitus around the fracture site worried the medica...
1. Patellofemoral pain,crepitus, and locking are infrequent symptoms after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). 髌股关节疼痛,压轧感以及交锁是全膝置换术后不常见的症状。 2. Palpate the lateral and medial malleoli and the base of the fifth metatarsal;crepitusortenderness suggests a fracture. ...
释义 捻发音; 英英释义 Crepitus Crepitus is an alleged Roman god of flatulence. It is unlikely that Crepitus was ever actually worshiped. 以上来源于:Wikipedia 学习怎么用 权威例句 crepitus Symptomatic scapulothoracic crepitus and bursitis. Physiological patellofemoral crepitus in knee joint disorders. ...
Patellofemoral pain, crepitus, and locking are infrequent symptoms after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). 髌股关节疼痛,压轧感以及交锁是全膝置换术后不常见的症状。 5. most people older than age 30 have some mild crepitus. 在30岁之后,大多数人会有一些微弱的碎裂音。
Vibration waves produced by the knee joint during extension-flexion may be recorded by vibration arthrometry. When the speed of this motion is less than 5 degrees per second, the vibration produced by the patella is referred to as physiological patellofemoral (), which reflects the integrity of ...
Crepitus is an alleged Roman god of flatulence. It is unlikely that Crepitus was ever actually worshiped. 以上来源于:Wikipedia 权威例句 crepitusSymptomatic scapulothoracic crepitus and bursitis.Physiological patellofemoral crepitus in knee joint disorders.Crepitus is a first indication of patellofemoral ost...
Conclusion Crepitus and history of patellar pain are clinical findings that indicate PFJ lesions seen on MRI. These tests could help to indicate signs of PFJOA. Follow-up data needs to confirm whether these tests have an additional diagnostic value for early knee OA in PFJ or TFJ.Previous...
crepitus 1. Patellofemoral pain,crepitus, and locking are infrequent symptoms after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). 髌股关节疼痛,压轧感以及交锁是全膝置换术后不常见的症状。 youdao 2. Palpate the lateral and medial malleoli and the base of the fifth metatarsal;crepitusortenderness suggests a ...