File文件 NEW新建 Open 打开 Set working Directory 设置工作目录 Close window 关闭窗口 Save保存 Save a copy保存副本 Backup 备份 Copy from复制自 Integrate集成 Rename 重命名 Erase Current拭除当前 Not displayed不显示 Delete-old versions删除旧版本 All versions所有版本 Instance operations-update index 实例操作...
datum_point_display NO axis_display NO display_coordinate_sys NO datum_point_tag_display NO protkdat C:\Program Files\PTC\myprotk.dat pdf_use_pentable yes tol_display NO pen_table_file D:\PTC\Creo\Common Files\table.pntNB.dtl drawing_text_color LETTER_COLOR text_height 3.500000...
datum_point_display NO axis_display NO display_coordinate_sys NO datum_point_tag_display NO protkdat C:\Program Files\PTC\myprotk.dat pdf_use_pentable yes tol_display NO pen_table_file D:\PTC\Creo\Common Files\table.pntNB.dtl drawing_text_color LETTER_COLOR text_height 3.500000...
If you’ve been involved in 3D design and engineering software at any point in the last twenty years, you’ll probably know that PTC is the company that kicked off the whole mainstream market for parametric 3D. PTCtook high-cost, specialist software and made it easier to use. It introduced...
第129任务: Point Pattern Command Is Added to the Ribbon 查看课程 任务列表 第1任务: CREO4.0新增功能演示视频一(界面布局) 第2任务: CREO4.0新增功能演示视频二(模具模块) 第3任务: Creo 4.0新增功能概述 第4任务: Creo 4.0- 增材制造(3D打印) 第5任务: Creo 4.0- 基于模型定义 (MBD) 第6...
In PTC Creo, the default behavior is to add a location on the axis at the selection point. If you want the old Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 behavior you can right click and choose Along or you can change the configuration option default_cable_axis_location from On to Along and the system ...
Creo Parametric Tip: A Design Consideration When Creating a Flat Pattern for a Complex Harness Read Article Blog Creo Parametric: An Overview of the Electromechanical Cabling Design Process Read Article 55:10 On-Demand Webcast Creo Parametric's Offset Feature Watch Blog Creo Parametric Tip: A ...
1.单击“框架”(Framework) > “点阵列”(Point Pattern)。“点阵列”(Point Pattern) 对话框将会打开。2.单击 。第一个框将激活并显示“要复制的阵列”(Pattern to Copy) 标签。3.在模型中,选择要复制的点阵列。4.单击“放置平面”(Placement plane) 参考收集器,然后在模型中,针对截面梁端点附近的点阵列...
Pattern FromCreoParametric2.0M170,themethod pfcFeaturePattern::ListMembersreturnsallthepatternheaderfeatures createdatthefirstlevelforapatternofpattern.Itdoesnotreturnthepattern membersundereachpatternheader. Non-AppletBasedVersionoftheAPIWizard Toopenthenon-appletbasedversionoftheCreoObjectTOOLKITC++ APIWizard,pointyo...