Mosaic analysisTamoxifen-independent recombinationReporter-geneThe CreERT2/loxP system is widely used to induce conditional gene deletion in mice. One of the main advantages of the system is that Cre-mediated recombination can be controlled in time through Tamoxifen administration. This has allowed ...
Here, we address this issue by using the inducible Cre/loxP system to trace β-cells. We generated Ins2-CreERT2/R26R-YFP double knock-in mice, in which pancreatic β-cells can be labeled specifically and permanently upon injection... K Nakamura,K Minami,K Tamura,... - 《Biomed Res》 ...
通过Sema3a-CreERT2与R26-tdTomato小鼠交配获得Sema3a-CreERT2; R26-tdTomato双阳性小鼠。 只有在他莫昔芬存在时,CreERT2才会从细胞质易位到细胞核中进行Cre-loxP重组,这就可以使Sema3a +细胞及其后代中永久标记上tdTomato红色荧光(RFP)(图3b)。 对8-12周龄的小鼠给予他莫昔芬诱导,并在他莫昔芬处理48小时...
通过Sema3a-CreERT2与R26-tdTomato小鼠交配获得Sema3a-CreERT2; R26-tdTomato双阳性小鼠。 只有在他莫昔芬存在时,CreERT2才会从细胞质易位到细胞核中进行Cre-loxP重组,这就可以使Sema3a +细胞及其后代中永久标记上tdTomato红色荧光(RFP)(图5b)。 对8-12周龄的小鼠给予他莫昔芬诱导,并在他莫昔芬处理48小时...
In an effort to understand more precisely where Mds1 is expressed in the embryonic hematopoietic system, we created a nuclear localized NLS-lacZ knockin allele that puts the lacZ gene under transcriptional control of the Mecom upstream promoter (termed Mds1) (Fears et al., 1996; Zhang et al...
Calcium imaging. (A,B) Fluorescent imaging of Slc1a3-CreERT2::GCaMP5g-tdTomato-loxP using antibodies against GFP, the astroglial marker Sox9, and the native fluorescence of tdTomato, showed widespread and strong Cre recombination specifically in astrocytes (arrowheads; scale bars, 1 mm and 50...
中国科技论文在线 Prox1-CreERT2 介导的受体酪氨酸激酶Tie2 敲除对小鼠心脏发育的影响# 朱登文,徐蓓蓓,储蔓,曹旭东,何玉龙** 5 (苏州大学唐仲英血液学研究中心,苏州,215123 ) 摘要:目的:利用表达可诱导Cre 重组酶的Prox1-CreERT2 转基因小鼠,分析其介导的受体 酪氨酸激酶Tie2 基因敲除对心脏发育的影响。 方法...
Cre/loxPCreERT2Pancreatic alpha cellsProglucagonAims/hypothesis: The Cre/loxP system, which enables tissue-specific manipulation of genes, is widely used in mice for diabetes research. Our aim was to develop a new Cre-driver mouse line for the specific and efficient manipulation of genes in ...
The CreERT2/loxP system is widely used to induce conditional gene deletion in mice. One of the main advantages of the system is that Cre-mediated recombination can be controlled in time through Tamoxifen administration. This has allowed researchers to study the function of embryonic lethal genes ...
Background: DNA recombination technologies such as the Cre/LoxP system advance modern biological research by allowing conditional gene regulation in vivo. However, the precise targeting of a particular cell type at a given time point has remained challenging since spatial specificity has so far ...