I did feel a little unsatisfied about the side-characters' development, and it's definitely on the top of my "to-do" list that didn't make the final cut. I'm really trying to improve my stories with a more structured narrative and more depth to my characters. (Edited by Alparos-Lila...
I'm sure of it. Your brother. My son. Every single kid that was stolen since the sixties. When I managed to get into one of the on-park offices, I found a list of kids' names and their favorite characters. That list didn't just include my Daniel, it included so many of the ...
They aren’t yours, so please kiss-off and stop trying to tell me what to do with MY characters. I don’t give a shit if you think Sally’s a ‘mary sue’ because she’s ‘over powered’ or because she’s being ‘paired with everyone’. Unlike you kids, I actually KNOW what a...
” I questioned in awe. The monsters let me walk past them. Instead of attacking they faced our characters. We stood in the center of the room with a dozen or so of the grossly disfigured creatures just watching us. They either swayed side-to-side or paced slowly back and forth...
If you’re not in the know, creepypastas are an online form of storytelling that has born urban legends like Slenderman and Jeff the Killer. These characters are alternate versions of the boogeymen that kept you awake as a child, with odd modern twists. Shortly after Slenderman became an und...