GIF You never stop watching with your eyes, even when you close them. GIF There’s such a thing as “hair splinters.” Hairdressers deal with it all the time after cutting particularly coarse hair, the small pieces can stick in you like a splinter and pose risk of mega infections if you...
GIF “On airplanes they turn off the lights before takeoff and landing basically in anticipation of the plane crashing. Your eyes take time to adjust to the dark, so if the plane were to crash your eyes would be pre-adjusted, thus increasing your likelihood of being able to make it out....
While I had my eyes open, I knew it was there. So I closed my eyes. I tried to wish it away. I opened my eyes, and it was now next to the bed, looking at me. I closed my eyes again, and suddenly relief came. I opened my eyes, nothing there. I saw it once again at the...
"Now I'm a mom and I always check when my kids tell me there’s a monster in their room."
d become obsessed and stole her body. He lived with the corpse for seven years. As the body fell apart, he attached the corpse’s bones together with wire and coat hangers, and fitted the face with glass eyes. He was only caught when someone saw him dancing with the corpse in front ...