Top Gap What is the Italian language plot outline for Creepshow 2 (1987)? Answer Learn more about contributing Edit page Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more. Get the IMDb app For Android and iOS
The professors in the story about the thing in the box have spent their lives collecting old facts: how perfect that one long-collected piece of evidence should still bite back! Romero and King have approached this movie with humor and affection, as well as with an appreciation of the macabr...
Creepshow 2: Show de Horrores Título original: Creepshow 2 1987 12 1 h 32 min AVALIAÇÃO DA IMDb 6,0/10 29 mil SUA AVALIAÇÃO Avaliar Reproduzir trailer1:11 45 1 vídeo 99+ fotos FantasyHorror A estátua de um índio de madeira ganha vida e procura vingança; em um lago ...
Tell me this ain't a movie star. What're you, kiddin'? They gotta make me a movie star. Hey. As soon as they see this hair they gonna say, "Sam, get over here. Get in front of these cameras." There's a hundred million women out there just waiting to run this hair between ...
Tell me this ain't a movie star. What're you, kiddin'? They gotta make me a movie star. Hey. As soon as they see this hair they gonna say, "Sam, get over here. Get in front of these cameras." There's a hundred million women out there just waiting to run this hair between ...
Where Creepshow 2 suffers is that it is not as good as the first movie. You would think that with three stories instead of five this time it would be less condensed. Unfortunately, that's not the case out of the three stories only the second one is all that interesting The first story...
Creepshow 2 was released in 1987 and was directed by George Romero's regular cinematographer Michael Gornick. Gornick, who was a late replacement for the original director FX maestro Tiom Savini, cut his directorial teeth on several episodes of Laurel's Tales From The Darkside and was a natu...
The stories are worth watching it especially The Raft and The Hitchhiker which were the reasons why I bought the movie.And it's not just two missing stories, but you're also missing the wonderful direction from George A Romero. Instead of directing, George co-wrote Creepshow 2. So your ...
The stories are worth watching it especially The Raft and The Hitchhiker which were the reasons why I bought the movie.And it's not just two missing stories, but you're also missing the wonderful direction from George A Romero. Instead of directing, George co-wrote Creepshow 2. So your ...
Tell me this ain't a movie star. What're you, kiddin'? They gotta make me a movie star. Hey. As soon as they see this hair they gonna say, "Sam, get over here. Get in front of these cameras." There's a hundred million women out there just waiting to run this hair between ...