Form 144 | Creek Road Miners(CRKR.US)高管拟出售8,814股股份,价值约11.84万美元 富途资讯2024/06/13 04:53 Form 144 | Creek Road Miners(CRKR.US)高管拟出售9.47万股股份,价值约127.25万美元 富途资讯2024/06/13 04:53 Form 144 | Creek Road Miners(CRKR.US)高管拟出售1.57万股股份,价值约21.13...
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Crocidolite, also known as blue asbestos, was a rare form of asbestos mined in South Africa until 1970 when mining stopped because it caused cancer in miners who worked with the mineral regularly. Amosite – this type was primarily found in Africa and was mined in South Africa, but it’...
They looked about them at the devastation, their faces sooted and owlish as coal miners. Without apparent irony, Bill had sighed out, “This is scenic.” They’d both been younger then. Mary was still alive. First, news of this war, then everything else seemed to fall apart too. Even...
tosimplifytouristand recreationalfossickingthere. Access Thefossickingareaisabout70kmsouth ofForsaythbyagravelroad,whichis suitableforconventionalvehicles,but maybeimpassableinthewetseason(see map).Fromthetownshipheadsouthwest towardsGilbertonandat11kmturn rightforafurther15kmtotheNorth Headturnoff.Turnleftand...
CRKR Creek Road Miners 添加自选 14.240000 0.0000000.00% 延时15分钟行情交易中 10/19 16:00 (美东) 27.95亿总市值-0.47市盈率TTM 0.000000最高价0.000000最低价0股成交量0.000000今开14.240000昨收0.00成交额0.00%换手率亏损市盈率(静)1.96亿总股本14.24000052周最高347.32市净率27.47亿流通值14.24000052周最低--...