Abstract – We studied summer movement patterns of creek chubs, Semotilus atromaculatus, in a low-gradient, sand-bottomed stream on the western plains of the United States. Creek chubs were highly associated with patches of cover consisting of wood or macrophytes. Movements among 37 patches...
S. (2006). Natural Infections of Wild Creek Chubs and Cultured Fathead Minnow by Chinese Grass Carp Reovirus (Golden Shiner Virus). Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, 18(1), 35-38. http://doi.org/10.1577/H05-029.1Goodwin, A.E. and D.K. Nayak. 2006. Natural infections of wild creek ...
Creek chubs preferred highly turbid water (56.6 formazin turbidity unitsFTU) over moderately turbid water (5.8 FTU) but brook trout did not show a preference. In moderately turbid water, both species were more active, and used overhead cover less, than in clear water. The results indicate ...
Fecundity may not be a good gauge of toxicant stress, at least for creek chubs, but this study points up the need to distinguish between total metals and those that are in a biologically available form when field studies of pollution are conducted....
—, and W. C. Howard . 1954. The length and growth of 0-year class creek chubs in relation to domestic pollution. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 84:228–238.The length and growth of 0year class creek chubs in relation to domestic pollution - Katz, Howard - 1955 () Citation Context ......
Phylogenetic relationships of the creek chubs and the spine-fins: an enigmatic group of North American cyprinid fishes (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae). Cladistics 13, 187-205.Simons AM, Mayden RL (1997) Phylogenetic relationships of the creek chubs and the spine-fins: an enigmatic group of North ...