Using firm-level data from surveys and financial statements, this paper presents an analysis of credit standards, capital allocation and financial conditions of non-financial enterprises in Denmark since the beginning of the financial crisis. The analysis indicates that low interest rates and increased ...
Cash discounts: Some businesses offer a percentage reduction of discount from the sales price if the purchaser pays in cash before the end of the discount period. Cash discounts present purchasers an incentive to pay in cash more quickly. Credit standards: Includes the required financial strength a...
"CapitalStructureinBanks,"byGerhardSchroek,RiskManagementandValueCreationinFinancialInstitutions(2002), bypermissionofJohnWiley&Sons,Inc. LearningObjectivesprovidedbytheGlobalAssociationofRiskProfessionals. Alltrademarks,servicemarks,registeredtrademarks,andregisteredservicemarksarethepropertyoftheirrespectiveowners andar...
Jorion, P, Shi C, and Zhang S 2009, Tightening credit standards: the role of accounting quality, Review of Accounting Studies 14: 123 - 160.Graham, J. , Harvey, C.R. and Rajgopal, S. ( 2005 ), “ The economic implications of corporate financial reporting ”, ...
Credit Standards credit standing credit standings Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Asset Management Credit Suisse Australian Fixed Interest Fund Credit Suisse Fear Barometer Credit Suisse Financial Products Credit Suisse First Boston Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation Credit Suisse First Boston Inc. Credit Suiss...
Credit Standards credit standing credit standings Credit Suisse Credit Suisse Asset Management Credit Suisse Australian Fixed Interest Fund Credit Suisse Fear Barometer Credit Suisse Financial Products Credit Suisse First Boston Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation ...
the InformationManagementSystem for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a [...] 塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理...
Other written product issued by the General Accounting Office with an that begins "GAO published an exposure draft for the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board (FASAB). In this exposure draft, FASAB proposes the reporting of entities to their financial statements reconciliations between the begin...
3. Credit standards The company may require potential borrowers to meet a specific financial strength in order to qualify for credit. Companies may use credit scores, such asFICO score,to measure the creditworthiness of a borrower and determine if they qualify for the credit. ...
bankfailure.Whilefinancialinstitutions havefaceddifficultiesovertheyearsfora multitudeofreasons,themajorcauseof seriousbankingproblemscontinuestobe directlyrelatedtolaxcreditstandardsfor borrowersandcounterparties,poor portfolioriskmanagement,oralackof attentiontochangesineconomicorother ...