On 28 October 2022,S&Pupgraded Sasol’s rating from BB toBB+on the back of debt reduction, and improved cash flow generation supported by stronger commodity prices and improved efficiency; revising the outlook from positive to stable. The stable outlook reflects that recent debt reduction and supp...
Rating AgencySecurity ClassRating ScaleRatingOutlookExpiry Date Agusto & Co. long term National (NG)BB- Positive 06/2024 Agusto & Co. short term National (NG)BB- Positive 06/2024 DataPro Limited long term National (NG)BB+ Evolving 12/2023 DataPro Limited short term National (NG)A2 Evolving...
信用评级 credit rating :也称为资信评级,由独立的信用评级机构对影响评级对象的诸多信用风险因素进行分析研究,就其偿还债务的能力及其偿债意愿进行综合评价,并且用简单明了的符号表示出来。 信用评级的对象一般可分为二类:即债券信用评级和主体信用评级。 借款企业信用等级划分为三等九级,符号表示为:AAA、AA、A、BBB...
与证券一样,投资者通过信用评级来确定债务发行人偿还贷款的能力。在外汇交易中,信用评级主要指政府为资助公共项目和服务而发行的主权债务或债券。我们通常看到信用评级以AAA、BB+或D等字母表示。 由于主权债务通常以外币计价,汇率不稳定或经济增长缓慢的国家通常信用评级较低,因为它们存在无法偿还的额外风险。因此,信用评...
Bangladesh long-term credit ratings, as assigned by major rating agencies, offer a comparative insight into the country's creditworthiness over an extended period. Each rating agency uses its own scale to evaluate the credit risk associated with Bangladesh sovereign debt. These scales help investors ...
Credit Rating Scale Chart: Investment vs. Speculative Grade S&P Moody’s Fitch AAA Aaa AAA AA Aa AA A A A BBB Baa BBB BB Ba BB B B B CCC Caa CCC CC Ca CC C C C D D D Which Factors Determine Company Credit Ratings? Generally speaking, credit ratings are a function of...
Rating BB+ Fitch Ratings Negative Outlook 09th October 2024 BB Standard & Poor's Negative Outlook 01th August 2024 Ba3 Moody's Stable Outlook 17th October 2024 A- JCR Negative Outlook 26th November 2024 Net debt (in €bn) In February 2022, strategic acquisition of an 82% in ...
Although rating scales were designed as continuous gradual scales, the financial market has long preferred a coarser distinction by distinguishing between the broader categories ‘investment grade’ (‘BBB−’/‘Baa3’ and above) and ‘non-investment grade’ (‘BB+’/‘Ba1’ and below). Market...
Corporate, Financial Institution, And Government Ratings That Exceed The Sovereign Rating S&P Global Ratings has 93 foreign currency ratings on corporates, financial institutions, and local or regional government (LRG) that exceed the foreign currency sovereign credit rating on the country of domicile. ...
All three credit rating agencies divide their ratings into two general categories based on their assessed level of risk. For S&P Global, ratings of BBB and higher are considered investment grade, while grades of BB and lower are considered speculative.5For Moody's, Baa3 and up is investment ...