Note: * indicates that the value of the symbol is uncertain. Table 5. The stability of the equilibrium in Case 2. EquilibriumThe Sign of the DeterminantThe Sign of the Trace of the Matrix HLocal Stability (0, 0) − * Saddle point (0, 1) − * Saddle point (1, 0) + + Instabil...
Fast growth of developing countries over the past five years has been fueled by low interest rates and abundant global liquidity. This has led to rising commodity prices and over-heating in some high-income and developing countries. This, in turn, has provoked a tightening of monetary policy th...
Note: “ ± ” means that the symbol cannot be determined, * indicates stable state. Table 3. The payoff matrix of the evolutionary game under big data credit technology. Game-AgentBank Lend y Reject 1 − y MSEs Repay x L r − i + π ′ − s , p K + L 1 + μ + α...