Credit Karma provides credit score and credit report services. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Credit Karma's full profile.
事實上,Credit Karma強調,把財務和信用分數掛鉤是一件很有意思的事。獲得相同信用分數的兩個用戶可能財務狀況完全不同。這種比較不僅能讓Credit Karma更加了解用戶財務狀況,還能基于此給出用戶更多合理的建議。 聯系方式 電子郵箱。
Credit Karma是一家提供免费信用分数服务的公司,其创始人Kenneth Lin在Upromise和Eloan工作过,意识到金融危机背景下信用分数查询的重要性与不便,于是决定创建Credit Karma。Credit Karma的目标是让获取信用分数成为一项基本的消费者权利。公司自2008年成立以来,发展迅速,不断推出新服务,如信用卡推荐、「Wa...
而 Credit Karma 已经到了第三轮融资了,用户数量也达到了 2100 万,的确是个很好的投资对象。
Credit Karma has over 60 million members. Not bad for a service that provided its first free credit score in 2008. Joining the service is free. Members receive 2 free credit scores, weekly reports, and ongoing credit monitoring as well as necessary tools
Entrepreneur and Harvard Business School lecturer Reza Satchu is the managing partner of Alignvest Management Corporation and the founder of several high-profile companies. He has a history of social entrepreneurship, and has started a number of charities, including the NEXT Canada foundation and the...
Credit Karma:个人信用掘金者 个人信用游戏规则征信行业商业模式高利率放贷Credit Karma的商业模式改变了传统征信行业的游戏规则,击垮了那些收取过高利率,太过贪婪的放贷机构.刘婕中欧商业评论
Credit karma是金融管理,个人金融平台,让你知道投资信用的最佳选择。这是该平台的主要功能。除了这些,它还执行一些其他功能,帮助管理你的财务稳定和安全。让我们简单讨论一下平台的工作。你在该平台上有你的信用评分。你需要及时维护和管理它,以保持更新并获得准确的结果。根据当前的信用评分,平台建议你投资于一些组织...
Credit Karma通过与三大征信局中的两家TransUnion和 Equifax合作,通过批量购买信用报告的形式,为客户免费提供四种基础的信用评分查询分析服务,包括简版信用报告,信用评分,模拟信用分析和信用检测。 信用评分:Credit Karma提供基于TransUnion和Equifax两家征信机构的Vantage Score 3.0信用评分,每周更新,以及用户的信用变化趋势。
How Credit Karma Makes Money Credit Karma is a for-profit business thatmakes moneyby giving you a free credit score in exchange for learning more about your spending habits and charging companies to serve youtargeted advertisements. Credit Karma places advertisements in front of its users, hoping ...