If you do not respond to the lawsuit, a judge could order you to pay the debt, which could result in your wages being garnished. Your best bet is to take all communications from WCTCB seriously and respond to them immediately. Key Takeaways Having an item from a debt collection agency ...
But some of the most recent purchases of unpaid Lending Club loans have been going to Credit Corp Solutions. These guys are either new and do not really understand how to get their money back on a portfolio, or it is run by the type of people that ran Unifund (a very hard to work ...
Fair Isaac, the company that originated credit scoring, plans to appeal its loss of a lawsuit claiming that it owns the very concept and that credit bureaus should not be able to sell thenown credit scores. Fair Isaac Corp. v. Experian Information Solutions Inc., 2009 WL 4263699 (D. Minn...
Akron Credit Beneficial Credit Care E-Credit Solutions Americred Chase Credit Corp First Capital First Choice First Capital Consumers First Liberty Solutions First Liberty Financial First National Credit BFTCLB CrediCorp Credit Report Helper Freedom First Liberty Benefit LLC Mid-Capital Nexel NissanBanCorp ...
A class action lawsuit against Microsoft-owned networking platform LinkedIn alleging it of violating the privacy of its users has been dismissed, Reutersreportedon January 31. Thelawsuit accused LinkedInof using the data from users’ personal messages to train its AI models. It said that the compan...
Privacy Constraints Are Keeping Banks From Tackling Scams Network Firewalls, Network Access Control Attackers Exploit Palo Alto Zero-Day Authentication Bypass Anti-Money Laundering (AML) The Benefits of the M&A Frenzy in Fraud Solutions Finance & Banking ...
The partnership will leverage Tata Communications’ AI Cloud and CoRover’s conversational AI to provide the solutions. It aims to develop applications, digital public infrastructure and e-governance solutions. “The partnership will offer Indian government agencies, departments and ministries; public enti...
Tellus Equipment Solutions, a leading John Deere Agricultural and Turf dealer with 24 locations across South and Central Texas, announced that it has closed a new $115 million credit facility (the "Credit Facility"). The Credit Facility will provide the
The CFTC filed its lawsuit against Binance on Monday morning, which the company has said was “unexpected and disappointing,” citing its ongoing cooperation with regulators. The company also said in its statement that it has invested heavily in its compliance team “to ensure we do not...
See: “Corrupted credit ratings: Standard & Poor’s lawsuit and the evidence”. By Matthias Efing & Harald Hau. June 18, 2013.http://www.voxeu.org/article/corrupted-credit-ratings-standard-poor-s-lawsuit-and-evidence. See: “Standard & Poor’s Says Civil Lawsuit Threatened By DOJ Is Wit...