Low-interest credit cards can save you money each month by reducing or temporarily eliminating interest charges. MoneyGeek explored the top options available.
close browser upgrade notice Bank of America Log in Locations En español Search Show/HideMenurelated links Save more of your hard-earned money with one of our low intro APR credit cards. We're sorry, this page is temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience. ...
One of the great misconceptions aboutcredit carddebt is that the cards themselves are bad. The truth is, they're really not. Rather, it's the effect of double-digit interest rates that make them so toxic to our personal finances. The exponential growth of an account balance quickly causes ...
For those with lower scores, she recommends reaching out to the National Foundation for Credit Counseling for assistance in lowering your interest rate and getting on a payment plan. Pick a repayment method If you are going to pay off your debt while keeping your cards open, there are general...
on one card could hurt your credit score (as it is recommended to keep utilization below 30%) and ultimately cause the interest rate to rise on this and other cards. This may, of course, be offset by the $5,000 lower balance on the higher-interest card from which the transfer was ...
The benefits of low interest rate credit cards If you have a credit card balance, you know how quickly the interest can add up. That's why a low interest rate credit card can be a valuable tool for saving money. You'll pay less in interest. The lower your interest rate, the less yo...
With a balance transfer card, the balance from your current card would get moved to a new card with a lower balance. These cards also offer no interest for a set introductory period — at least six months and up to 21 months. Balance transfers typically can't be made between cards from...
If the high rates on your credit cards are making it tough to pay off what you owe, these strategies could help.
Carrying a large balance on a credit card with a high-interest rate can really drag you down, to the point where it may be hard to even meet the minimum payments due each month. But don't despair: There are a number of paths you can take to help lower your Annual Percentage R...