A small business credit card is for those who run small businesses or operate as sole proprietors. You can use these cards similarly to how you use your personal credit card, but there are important differences to consider. The CARD Act of 2009—which introduced various consumer protections, ...
Whether you already accept credit cards or know it’s the next step for your growing business, I’d like you to consider using them. Why? Because Square provides exceptional credit card payment services, as well as the latest in processing technologies like mobile, online and wireless. No mat...
While a business credit card can be a valuable tool in managing your business expenses, there are pitfalls to avoid.
With small business credit cards, employees are (typically) personally liable for payments. But with corporate credit cards, there's usually no personal liability for payments. Although it is possible to have them be made jointly liable. Best employee credit cards (for your business) What's the...
When looking at different cards, make sure to carefully read through all the information about card features and benefits. This can help you choose a credit card with rewards that best fit your business. For instance, if your business requires employees to travel often, a card with flight mi...
Business credit cards can reduce risks When you keep your business purchases separate from your personal ones, it may reduce the risks that can come with owning a business. Reduces risk to your personal assets.Depending on the way your business is structured, there may be protections...
Compare our most popular credit cards to find the card to fit your business needs. Business Advantage Unlimited Cash Rewards Mastercard®credit cardNo annual fee† Tap to Pay Business Advantage Unlimited Cash Rewards credit card Online offer: $300 statement credit bonus ...
Business customers click here to enroll Explore all that your credit card account has to offer. Account Features & Benefits Enjoy the convenience and many benefits your account has to offer. Learn More Online Account Center Manage your account online to check balances, view transactions, ...
Why Use Credit Cards to Start Your Small Business?Sue Barrett
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