Find the right types of credit cards for beginners If you are looking for your first credit card, a student credit card or a secured credit card may have different credit requirements than traditional credit cards. Among other criteria, student cards require active student status. Secured cards ...
Types of credit cards for beginners with no credit Getting a credit card without a credit history could be difficult, but there are some types ofcredit-building credit cardsthat may be a good fit for those who are credit invisible.
Secured credit cards with a security deposit at or below $200 How to choose a credit card as a young adult If you’re under the age of 25, there’s a good chance your credit history isn’t that lengthy, and yourcredit score may not be great. If you’re new to credit cards, it’...
No Credit History Hover to learn more Apply now onCapital One's secure site See Rates & Fees Intro offer N/A Annual fee $0 Regular APR 29.74% (Variable) Why you'll like this:Capital One does automatic account reviews after six months of responsible card use, and if qualified, you can ...
No Credit History Hover to learn moreApply now on Capital One's secure siteSee Rates & Fees Intro offer Hover to learn more N/A Annual fee $0 Regular APR 29.74% (Variable) Why you'll like this: It offers a clear path to a higher credit limit and several lucrative rewards cards you ...
The Capital One Platinum credit card is also a good choice for those with no credit history. It is a user favorite but doesn’t come with the perks of cashback rewards like other cards. However, the ease of approval and no annual fee make it an excellent choice for beginners who want ...
Best starter and newcomer credit cards Filter by All Sort by Default Our pick for: Beginners American Express® Green Card 5.0 NerdWallet rating APPLY NOWon American Express' website Annual fee$0 Interest rates 21.99% / 21.99% Rewards rate 1x-2x Points Intro offer 10,000 Points ...
If your credit score is less than perfect, you still have credit card options — from starter credit cards for beginners to cards that are geared toward those with bad credit. Opening a credit-building card and using it responsibly can help you build — or rebuild — your credit score. And...
Over time, all of these factors can help you build a strong credit history and potentially increase your score. How long does it take to build a good credit score? The time it takes to build a good credit score will vary from borrower to borrower. However, you can expect establishing a...
Pros and cons of balance transfer credit cards: Should you use them to get out of debt? The Citi Premier card is now the Citi Strata Premier. Here’s everything you need to know 10 best credit cards for beginners in 2025 How to do a balance transfer and save money on credit card int...