Having a credit card is a big responsibility, and it’s one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. A credit card can help youbuild your credit scoreso you’ll have good credit when you need it, but credit cards can also lead to long-term debt and credit score damage that can take years ...
Explore Bankrate’s picks of travel cards to help you earn points and miles for your next trip View all travel cards Top travel credit cards for beginners Here are a few of the best credit cards to ease you into the world of travel rewards and perks. ...
It seems the Chase Freedom Rise card will make a nice addition to the new-to-credit cards (you can check out some more starter cards here). It’s always good to have a card that is easy to get approved for with no previous credit. And here you get to earn 1.5% cashback on all ...
Prepaid credit cards:Strictly speaking, these aren’t credit cards as there’s no borrowing involved – you have to top them up before you can spend. However, this means there’s no need to pass a credit check, so they can be a good option if you’re looking for a convenient way to...
If you’re on the hunt for the best travel credit card for beginners, take a look at these three: a no-fee, mid-fee and high-fee card. Then you’ll be ready to start earning award travel fast. » Learn more: Are travel credit cards worth it?1...
current credit card offers each month, but if you are just starting out I would choose two or three of the above cards, and then build from there. You’ll also want to keep an eye out for “mega” offers (that can be as high as 100,000 miles), so stay tuned to the blog for ...
Watch my video looking at the best first-time credit cards for beginners Using credit cards to boost your credit file There are some key rules you need to follow to make sure spending on a credit card helps rather than hurts your credit report. ...
The Citi Double Cash Card caters to beginners establishing good credit habits, since users will earn 2% cash back; 1% when they buy and 1% when they pay their statement. The Citi Double Cash is a great pick for those looking for the utmost simplicity and want cash back in their pocket. ...
Here are some of the best credit cards for beginners. Discover it® Student Cash Back, Capital One® Platinum Credit Card, Capital One® QuicksilverOne® Cash Rewards Credit Card, Capital One® Secured Mastercard®, Discover it® Secured and Citi® Secured Mastercard®. What is th...
If your credit score is less than perfect, you still have credit card options — from starter credit cards for beginners to cards that are geared toward those with bad credit. Opening a credit-building card and using it responsibly can help you build — or rebuild — your credit score. And...