When you need to pay off your credit card debt, balance transfer credit cards are a popular option. The reason for their popularity is simple: they offer a real 0% intro APR on balance transfers. It is not a deferred interest, but a real 0% APR for an introductory period. A...
We rounded up the best credit cards that can help you build credit, save on interest charges and earn you valuable rewards.
In its most basic form, a balance transfer card is simply a credit card that allows you to transfer balances you are currently holding on other cards. The overarching selling point is that by obtaining a balance transfer card, you stand the chance of consolidating your outstanding credit card ...
Balance transfer cards offer a promotional period during which you can get a low introductory rate from 3 to 12 months. After that, rates adjust to a fixed level, often less than you are paying right now. Some cards will offer a free balance transfer and other incentives to make your deci...
Best Balance Transfer Credit Cards Credit card NerdWallet rating Intro APRRegular APRRewards rateLearn more Discover it® Cash Back - 18 Month Intro Balance Transfer Offer 4.9/5Best for Long intro period + quarterly categories 0% intro APR on Purchases for 6 months and 0% intro APR on Bala...
We analyzed popular balance transfer cards with no balance transfer fee using an average American's annual spending budget and credit card debt and digging into each card's perks and drawbacks to find the best of the best based on your consumer habits.
but this does not influence our evaluations or ratings. our opinions are our own. the best balance transfer credit cards charge no annual fee and offer at least 15 months of 0% apr for balance transfers. using a balance transfer card wisely can save you hundreds, or even thousands, of dol...
The table below shows our top deals on 0% balance transfer cards: Name of card Interest-free period Representative APR (variable) Balance Transfer fee Other features Barclaycard Platinum Credit Card - Check eligibility Up to 31 months¹ 24.90% 3.45% 0% interest on purchases for the first 3...
Balance Transfer Cards If you have credit card debt but still have a good credit score, getting a balance transfer credit card can help you save money on interest. The best cards offer a 0% introductory APR for a specified period of time, ranging from 15 to 21 months. Just know that ba...
balance-transfer offer, determine whether the 0% rate is automatic or depends on a credit check. The next step is deciding which balances to transfer; cards with high interest rates should come first. (The balance doesn’t have to be in the cardholder's name to qualify for a transfer.) ...