There are a lot of credit card codes. Typically, when you receive a credit card code, you’ll also get a brief note explaining why the transaction was declined. Nevertheless, it can be helpful to have a reference of the types of codes you might encounter. This list doesn’t represent ev...
Here is the full list of credit card declined codes. Learn what they mean and how to handle each declined error scenario.
Did your credit card get declined when you tried to use it? Are you wondering if the reason for your blocked transaction was because you’re out of funds or for location restrictions? Or something else? With this list of credit card declined codes, you can determine the source of the prob...
These credit card decline codes can be helpful in understanding why a payment hasn’t gone through. Types of credit card declines Below is a list of credit card decline codes for the most common scenarios that result in a rejected payment: Code 51 – Insufficient funds: The cardholder does...
Please note that credit card availability may vary depending on your country of domicile. Please contact your BlueSnap Implementation Specialist or Merchant Support for details about which credit cards are applicable to your configuration. Code Credit ca
Credit Card CVV CodesLast Modified on 09/21/2021 7:54 pm EDTAlso known as the Cardholder Verification Value (CVV), CVV2, or CVC, these three or four-digit numbers help ensure that the physical card is in the cardholder's possession while shopping online or by phone, helping to prevent ...
Understanding Card Failure Codes Credit card declines occur when the payment transaction cannot be processed. There are a range of reasons that this may happen: a decline from the payment processor, the payment gateway, or (most commonly) the issuing bank. Associated with the declined payment is...
Credit card issuers are strict with their cash back rules in terms of the matching of merchant codes. You must agree to this policy when you sign up for the card. You won't be able to dispute your case if the merchant code doesn't match. Get Cash Back Bonuses When You Sign Up Intro...
Credit card (10) comprising at least a first activation code (15a) impressed on a front surface (10a) thereof and at least data support means (22a) containing the data of the credit card (10) stored in a rear surface (10b) thereof. At least a second activation code (15b) is ...
8. Card or Buyer Is Restricted Alipay and related bank systems are having the card's payment history data. If there are too many disputes or charge-backs on the card, the payment will be rejected. Make sure your card is having a good payment history and avoid charge-backs. If refund is...