aCredit Card Verification # 信用卡证明#[translate] a•Your credit card expiration date appears to be invalid. Please enter the correct expiration date for your card.[translate]
aENTER A CARD THAT WILL BE USED FOR JUST THIS ORDER 进入为这顺序将使用的卡片[translate] aSteel Drums 斯梯尔咚咚地敲[translate] aCredit Card number is not valid or expiration date is wrong 信用卡数字是无效的或有效期是错误的[translate]
Description: The credit card expiration date is invalid. sakopov Member In response to RaynorC1emen7 08-06-2012 08:34 AM 0 Reply I wonder if it got reject when the CCV was 'P' not process because the expiration date is invalid. RaynorC1emen...
}, 'Your Credit Card Expiration date is invalid.'); jQuery(".checkout_form").validate({ rules: { card_number: { required: true, creditcard: true }, year: { CCExp: { month: '#month', year: '#year' } } }); });
Apple says my credit card expiration date is wrong but it’s not that they won’t even let me take a credit card off the phone Apple says my credit card expiration date has expired but the card is still good for one more year but they won’t even let me take the credit card out...
When I update a customer payment profile (in live mode via the php api) with an invalid expiration date such as 11/99 it updates without error but when I charge that same customer payment profile, it errors with 'E00013: Credit Card Expiration Date is invalid.' ...
Temporary policy: Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is banned Pausing the 1-rep voting experiment on Stack Overflow: reflecting on the... Related 0 Authorize.Net issue with credit card Expiration Date 0 Get expiration date using Customer Payment Profile Response 2 card code is ...
Credit Card Number(No dashes or spaces) Expiration Date / (MM / YY) CVV2 #(No dashes or spaces) What's This?Zip Code 啥意思 答案 信用卡号(不能有破折号和空格)过期时间(月/年)CVV2(不能有破折号和空格)邮编相关推荐 1Credit Card Number(No dashes or spaces) Expiration Date / (MM / YY)...
When a credit card passes its expiration date, the card itself is no longer active and is therefore invalid. Your credit card account, however, remains open.1 If you try to use an expired card, thetransaction will likely be declinedbecause all the data points don’t match up properly. You...