A credit line is a predetermined amount of fund that a business can borrow from a lender. It provides flexibility in terms of borrowing and repayment. A credit card, on the other hand, is a revolving line of credit that allows businesses to make purchases up to a certain credit limit. Q2...
所以credit line (or line of credit, LOC)是一种贷款分类,大致相当于国内的可多次支用的授信额度贷...
综上所述,信用卡额度被称为 "creditline" 而不是 "creditlimit",是因为它代表了一个动态的信用服务提供上限,而非静态的信用限制。这一概念更符合信用卡系统的工作机制和提供的服务本质。
line of credit 是你一个月可以在一张信用卡上使用的额度,可能是20,000元 而credit limit可能是你一天允许花的最高限额,可能一次不能超过750元
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If that’s the case, paying down the credit card first might be the better option, even if its interest rate is lower. How is a line of credit similar to a credit card? A credit card is a revolving line of credit—a type of credit line—that you access using a card. Both credit...
credit card的翻译 B:Yes, of course. 可以,当然可以。 credit card 网络解释 1. 1. 刷卡:让用户或买家透过网络媒介或管道来支付款项给卖家的都算是网上付款,例如透过电子银行或网络银行转账(FPX等),网上刷卡(Credit card),电子钱包(e-wallet)等.
信用额度(Credit Line) 信用额度又称信用限额,也是企业信用政策的一个组成部分。信用额度包括企业发放给客户群的总体信用额度和发放给某一具体客户的信用额度两个方面。 信用额度设定的目的及条件 信用额度的审批 工作中信保额度可以over 货物总货值才可以出运,但是如果已经订舱却发现额度不够,这个时候沟通客户付款是来...
Ford is asking for a nine billion dollar credit line in case it needs it.───福特请求90亿美元的最高信用(假如需要信用). It offered a Gold Visa card and a $6,000 credit line.───它提供了一张维萨金卡,信贷限额是六千美金。 The credit line have to be opened one month ago time of ...
The LOC is highly flexibility, which is its main advantage. Borrowers can request a certain amount, but they do not have to use it all. Rather, they can tailor their spending from the LOC to their needs and oweinterestonly on the amount that they draw, not on the entire credit line. ...