Can Anyone Get a Credit Card? Most people can apply for and receive a credit card, but if they have a history of bad credit or no credit, the credit cards for which they are eligible may not be as useful. Those without credit or with very bad credit may apply for a secured credit ...
Why can’t I get a credit card? You can’t get a credit card if you’re under 18, have too much debt, lack enough income, or have credit scores that are too low to meet the credit card issuer's requirements. And in most cases, if you don't have a Social Security number, you...
Anyone can get a credit card – even if you have bad credit, poor credit, or no credit. The key is knowing where to look. If your credit is less than stellar, then you should begin looking at prepaid cards and secured credit cards, both of which offer conveniences and benefits, and i...
A cautionary tale; Credit card debt can get the best of anyoneBarbara Greenwald
i have what they call a debit card, so i never accumulate money. i just pay off what i already have, and i'm never in debt to anyone. kate: well that's very sensible. i think credit cards can be a very good idea if you're travelling o...
To open this card, you need to join Andrews Federal Credit Union, but anyone can join. If you don't meet the qualification requirements, you can opt to join the American Consumer Council (ACC). [ Return to card summary ] Check out CNBC Select's best low-interest credit cards. ...
Almost anyone who has a steady income and a continuous work record can apply for a credit card. If you have a credit card, you can buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip, and even get a haircut by charging the cost to your account. In this way you can pay for purchases a month...
Other credit card issuers might only allow the authorized user to make purchases with the primary account holder's card. In general, anyone can be an authorized user, although some banks impose minimum age limits. Authorized User Credit Check ...
Learn to recognize the warning signs of phishing, and avoid sharing account information with anyone who raises red flags. Here are some other steps you can take to prevent credit card fraud: Turn on available online banking features Create a secure password.Your bank account password should be ...
Almost anyone who has a steady income (收入) and continuous work record can apply for a credit card. If you have a credit card, you buy a car, eat a dinner, take a trip, and even get a haircut by changing the costto your account (帐户). You can pay for purchases a month or ...