Maia Bairrada, C., Fontes da Costa, J., Santos, R. M., & Coelho, A. (2021). Determinants and consequences of brand credibility: a case study in the pharmaceutical industry.International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing,15(2), 282-297. De Vries, A., Erasmus, P. D....
The purposes of this study were to explore college students' perceptions, uses of, and motivations for using Wikipedia, and to understand their information... S Lim - 《Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology》 ...
Men’s Journal publishes articles and editorials on environmental issues, such as“How Fully (Un)prepared Is America for a Supercharged Electric Vehicle Rollout in the Near Future?”This story is properly sourced from credible outlets such as The primary focus of the magazine...
In review, The Journal produces original news covering most of West Virginia. Headlines and articles contain minimal emotional language such as this: Justice stands by state board decision to take away remote learning option. National and international news is republished from the Associated Press. Ed...
The Impact of Completeness and Web Use Motivation on the Credibility of e‐Health Information Recent articles on the quality of health information on the Internet reveal 2 critical criteria: completeness and credibility. This article investigates th... Mohan J. Dutta〣ergman - 《Journal of Communic...
This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution Access options Subscription info for Chinese customers We have a dedicated website for our Chinese customers. Please go to to subscribe to this journal. Go to Buy this article Purchase on Spri...
Online News Credibility: An Examination of the Perceptions of Newspaper Journalists This study examines print and online daily newspaper journalists' perceptions of the credibility of Internet news information, as well as the influence of ... WP Cassidy - 《Journal of Computer‐mediated Communication》...
Founded in 1965, SAGE is the world’s 5th largest journal publisher. Their portfolio includes more than 1000 journals spanning the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Science, Technology, and Medicine, and more than 400 are published on behalf of learned societies and institutions. ...
The North American Actuarial Journal is honoring the Society of Actuaries on its golden anniversary in 1999 by publishing a series of articles on the contributions of actuaries to the development of ideas. In this issue, the second of the series, we explore the development of the credibility ide...
American Journal Daily does not conduct original reporting but rather adds commentary to news reported from other sources. We found that they use a mix of factually mixed sources such asCNNandFox Newsand questionable sources such asBreitbartand theDaily Wire. Articles and headlines usually contain...