“Khiku are extremely slender and streamline bird-like creatures with high energy, and are often seen running at full speeds through the plains of Sonaria. They enjoy chasing after smaller prey, and often bother larger creatures when bored. Though they can't hunt larger prey on their own, ...
TheSigmatoxis aTier 5terrestrialcarnivore. Thespeciesis available in the various giveaways and trades Creatures of Sonaria Testers participate in, as this creature is anExclusivethat can only be traded by them. Thestored versionis available in theTrial Creatures Shopfor2625 Shooms. ...
Original concept and redesigned concept by @Snicker_DoodIes or @♢ X ♢ (Snicker_DoodIes) on the Creatures of Sonaria Discord. The Pernirex wasn't inspired by anything in particular other than the "concept of having a long talon at your thumb that you’d use for stabbing people". ...
Stats [Click]forextended stats Health Weight 1400 (9% regen) 1200 Appetite Speed 60 1thirst(30 min) 16 walk 137 sprint 53 glide 25% fly sprint Damage Bite Cooldown 145 0.5 Moisture Oxygen N/A 25 Stamina Nightvision 200 (3 regen) ...
Stats [Click]forextended stats Health Weight 2700 (6% regen) 2250 Appetite Speed 75 1thirst(37.5 min) 1hunger(37.5 min) 24 walk 101 sprint Damage Bite Cooldown 120 Secondary: 150 0.7 Moisture Oxygen N/A 25 Stamina Nightvision 130
Trutholbyeva prefer to travel alone or in medium-sized family groups of up to 7. However during the day, they gather in large caves by the hundreds, and hang on the ceiling, walls, and floor until night returns. Trutholbyevas have two heads, however only one head has a brain. The ot...
While the Zwevealisk has low stamina and stamina regeneration, its Streamlined ability gives it a decent boost to these stats, as well as speed, while underwater (albeit some of this boost is lost due to the stamina drain most semi-aquatics have). This reduces the number of time to rest...
Lastly, although arsonos has decent stats and abilities I feel like it is lacking a little something. I think giving it at least a short long jump (like a pounce) would really compliment the athletic part of this creature without making it over-powered. ...
Ik the page already has a shadow parux but its the old female where the teeth arent glowing so uhh new one!!! this one's male PINK FL0YDDED·11/10/2024 Copy Link Buying every parux spec for 50 each! ( MULTIPLE IF POSSIBLE, DISCORD: binngus ) !!! ....
Redesign concept by Mori_Tomori on the Creatures of Sonaria Discord. Redesign modeled bynekcihc (Fizzyton). Redesign rigged byThunderBoo666. Originally planned to receive an electric-like ability, and eventually received Defensive Paralyze.