This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% Block Bleed will have some fraction of bleed defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows. A negative value in-game may indicate an extra vulnerability to the status effect this ability is...
“Khiku are extremely slender and streamline bird-like creatures with high energy, and are often seen running at full speeds through the plains of Sonaria. They enjoy chasing after smaller prey, and often bother larger creatures when bored. Though they can't hunt larger prey on their own, ...
The Sigmatox is a Tier 5 terrestrial carnivore. The species is available in the various giveaways and trades Creatures of Sonaria Testers participate in, as this creature is an Exclusive that can only be traded by them. The stored version is available in
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Others Like You Viewed Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Ardor Warden Hallucinix Hellion Warden Etheralotus Main Development References Mutations Other This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Jotunhel. ...
The Veludorah, like thePrabiki, is capable of climbing. The Veludorah are carnivores because while they get their energy from the light absorbed through their deep blue crests, their systems cannot synthesize proteins which their mostly-organic body needs, which explains its carnivorous side (this...
Trutholbyeva prefer to travel alone or in medium-sized family groups of up to 7. However during the day, they gather in large caves by the hundreds, and hang on the ceiling, walls, and floor until night returns. Trutholbyevas have two heads, however only one head has a brain. The ot...
Redesign concept by Mori_Tomori on the Creatures of Sonaria Discord. Redesign modeled bynekcihc (Fizzyton). Redesign rigged byThunderBoo666. Originally planned to receive an electric-like ability, and eventually received Defensive Paralyze.
This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% bleed defense will have some fraction of bleed defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows. Streamlined is a passive ability which buffs the player when submerged underwater for more than ...
I want arsonos to get jump. CoS players assume it could not jump because the hind legs look too short. But they greatly underestimate the size and power of those back legs. First off, They're not actually short. In fact, they are normal size for its body ratio. Its arms are what ...
This ability is gained gradually as the creature ages, that is, a creature with 100% bleed defense will have some fraction of bleed defense while growing, being such fraction bigger as it grows.GameplayProsUsing Area Wind Blast on an opponent at the right time can easily turn the tables ...