Roblox Creatures of Sonaria is one of the unique games on Roblox, where you take control of a mythical creature and survive in a dangerous world. You must hunt for survival and help your creature to become an adult. Roblox Creatures of Sonaria is immensely fun with everything it offers, ...
Welcome to the exciting world of Sonaria, where mystical creatures roam, and enchantment fills the air! Are you ready to discover which magnificent creature fro...
Fan Central Current Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Others Like You Viewed Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Ardor Warden Hallucinix Hellion Warden Etheralotus Main Development References Mutations Other This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Jotunhel. ...
“Khiku are extremely slender and streamline bird-like creatures with high energy, and are often seen running at full speeds through the plains of Sonaria. They enjoy chasing after smaller prey, and often bother larger creatures when bored. Though they can't hunt larger prey on their own, ...
The Glimmer regions of the Colval, highlighted with a Void palette Expand v•d•e Legacy Creatures To report false or outdated information or get assistance with the content of this page, please reply to thiscommunity discussionor join theCoS Wiki Discord....
Mutations Other This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Equenix. Equenix concept art Equenix's primary color palette Expand v•d•e Recode Creatures To report false or outdated information or get assistance with the content of this page, please repl...
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Zohdok Zwevealisk Traiboros Exotide Top Pages this Week Codes 1 Mutations 2 Plushies 3 Pleuremiert 4 Ardor Warden 5 Gallery Main Development References Mutations Other This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color palettes for the Therolachus. ...
Creatures of Sonaria Wiki Others Like You Viewed Haechionx Bolatra Hellion Warden Yeba'idi Verklixin Top Pages this Week Codes 1 Mutations 2 Sarcosiris 3 Plushies 4 Pleuremiert 5 Gallery Main Development References Mutations Other This tab is intended to present official concept sheets and color...