Definition: a supernatural creature originally in Germanic folklore and conceived of in many forms but usually as having the form of a woman or as half human and half fish, dwelling in fresh water usually in a beautiful palace, and usually unfriendly to man Nix and its variant nixie come fro...
[1780–90; < German: variant ofnichtsnothing] nix2 (nɪks) n.,pl.nix•es. (in Germanic folklore) a water spirit that draws its victims into its underwater home. [1825–35; < GermanNix] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005...
The Snawfus is an albino deer from the folklore of the Ozarks in Arkansas and Missouri. It has supernatural powers but is not dangerous. Some say it can jump into the treetops with ease, while others grant it feathery wings that along with to fly without making a sound, much like an ow...
Different kinds of supernatural humanoids exist throughout folklore. Supernatural humanoid creatures include fairies from various Germanic and Celtic cultures, the thunderbirds of Native American cultures, and the Naga from Buddhist cultures. What do you call a humanoid fish? Various forms of humanoids ...
What is Kongamato’s meaning when it navigates the skies of your dream narratives? Find out ... Read More Kraken Symbolism & Meaning The name of this mythical creature derives from the old Norse term “Kraki.” The term “Kraken” is a derivative of the Germanic term “Krake” found ...
Stefánsson, V. (1906)Icelandic Beast and Bird Lore. The Journal of American Folklore, vol. 19, no. 75, pp. 300-308. Vatnaormur Variations:Water Serpent, Lake Serpent; Lagarfljotsormurinn, Lagarfljot Worm; Lyngorm, Slug The lakes of Iceland are home to a wide variety of Vatnaormar,...
activitiesandother thingsthatgive themidentityin thefolkmind.Will-o'-the-Wispappearsto be apersonificationof aflickeringlightoraluminousessence.Earlyetymologiesin theGermanic languages suggestconnectionswithwightsandelves2,and up to theturnof theCenturyin thePennsylvania Germancountrytheterm"Drach",afiery,...
Ency. Norse & Germanic Folklore (hc) - Claude Lecouteux End of Something Wonderful (hc) - Lucianovic & Ermos Faeries, Elves & Goblins (hc) - Rosalind Kerven Hidden History of Elves & Dwarfs (hc) - Claude Lecouteux Lost Star (hc) - Wechterowitz & Minor Luna & the Moon Rabbit (hc...
Kobold, in German folklore, mischievous household spirit who usually helps with chores and gives other valuable services but who often hides household and farm tools or kicks over stooping persons. He is temperamental and becomes outraged when he is not