5e Creature Categories– Specific lists of creatures with similar traits. 5e April Fools Monsters– Creatures with a more comedic twist. 5e Creatures with Maintenance Templates– Creatures with one or more maintenance templates on them. Monsters by Size ...
Now do the same with damage per round, find the row, write it down, look at the attack bonus, if it's 2 higher or lower adjust the CR up/down by 1 for every 2 points of difference. Write down that adjusted CR, this is the Offensive CR of a monster. Average the Defen...
The ability to sort by CR or size without going to5e Monsters. Shouldn't be too hard, just moving the top portion of the page to the right side of this page. Nobody wants to have to load the list of every monster just to load another page. Would undertake this myself, but access...
Am I supposed to have a list available of all fey or all beasts or all elementals by CR? If so, should I, before each adventure, run through the list and decide which creatures should appear? Or make them random? I'm having trouble with these decisions because they seem to contradict ...
Creatures with the fiendish template live in the Lower Planes, such as the Abyss and Hell, but can be summoned using spells such assummon monsterandplanar ally. A fiendish creature's CR increases by +1 only if the base creature has 5 or more HD. A fiendish creature's quick and rebuild...